We are passionate about creating nourishing experiences and environments for children to learn and to grow.

Storyoga Preschool

Storyoga Preschool is a progressive nature and yoga based program committed to embracing and empowering children exactly as they are. We are passionate about creating nourishing experiences and environments for children to learn and to grow. We are committed to beauty, using natural materials, and have a great appreciation for the outdoors.

Culture & Climate of Storyoga

There is a certain way of being in the classroom and amongst one another that is seen and felt. The physical space is natural, soothing, inviting, bright, playful, colourful, and spacious. We coexist together in a place that honours, respects, and cares for one another. The classroom climate is one of peace, respect, love, and kindness. The children are given the space and freedom to explore, discover, and marvel in everyday wonders.

What do Parents have to say?
  • “Excellent relationships with the children. Amazing environment where children feel safe and confident to take risks both academically, socially, and emotionally.”
  • “Storyoga teaches a great foundation for a holistic life. I love the calm environment and all the great activities (yoga, nature, healthy eating, breathing).”
  • “Calm environment, nourishing snack, positive role model, yoga instructor, incredible life lessons ie. mindful eating, beautiful, peaceful space.”
What I love about Storyoga Preschool

“I love that it is bright and colourful.

I love that its backdrop is on a small island, in a small town, surrounded by big trees and a slow creek.

I love that its feet are in a garden and its eyes are pointed in every direction including the inside world of their tiny beautiful lives.

I love that a bright-eyed sunny girl is the guide to their growing into this place and that she has added spice and flavour with other enthusiastic helpers.

I love pj days, pancakes and green smoothies. I love nature walks!

I love the language of brave and courage and love that is explored.

Did I mention I love the brightness of every day?

I marvel at how hard and long you shine your light out for these children to see and follow.

I love the smells, and the paint and the freedom and that for one beautiful year Drew was shown to follow her creative heart and her individual self was honoured and trusted.

I knew always it was a good idea that you started a preschool, but truly Vanessa I had no idea the weight and value that it would carry. Forever in the hearts of my children and myself.

Thank you so much for all you do and carry for us the parents and for the tiny children you are truly tending to. I wish you a summer of joy and inspiration and also rest rest rest, from which all true greatness grows.

We love you.”

Jeannine Wakely, 2013


What Kids are saying
  • “Once upon a time there was a little girl named Mattea and she always liked to go to Storyoga. The little girl had so much fun at Storyoga that she even didn’t want to leave.” ~ Mattea, 4
  • “She reads us stories and we colour. I love drawing inside the shapes – and about Vanessa, I love her!” ~ Darien, 4
  • I like doing the downward dog and the pom – pom blessing. I like yoga because it is good for your body and we learn about nature.” ~ Lucas, 6
  • “I like the stories Vanessa read to us, and I liked doing Namaste Mountain.” ~ Renee, 6
What Parents are saying
  • “I heard about your classes and camps from several of the Sidney Preschool moms. I’ve talked to quite a few people about your classes at Strongstart, Preschool, and in Logan’s Kindergarten and I have never heard a bad thing. You should be really proud of the strong reputation you have built in your small community.” ~ Joscelyn, Sidney BC
  • “Kaylee absolutely loves the class and you also. We have tried a few after-school things before and she has never been enthusiastic about them. With this yoga she comes home and can’t wait to show us what she is learning. Thanks for all the energy you put into it.” ~ Sarah Paulson, Sidney BC
What Teachers are saying
  • “Hi Vanessa. Thanks so much for having me. I felt so comfortable… a sense of coming home or at least inspiration for the type of environment I want to be involved with. Out of all the centres I visited, yours was the most beautiful in so many ways, especially the vibration of peace.” ~ Yvonne MacKenzie, Pender Island BC
  • “Vanessa’s interactive storytelling, wide use of colorful, playful props and the brilliant way in which she engages children in yoga poses was a hit with the children in our program! Thank you Vanessa for exposing our children to yoga in such a fun, positive way.” ~ Lori, Victoria BC